Webinar – Get to know the research initiatives about Cognitive Computing Continuum: Intelligence and automation for more efficient data processing

EMPYREAN will participate in the upcoming webinar “Get to know the research initiatives about Cognitive Computing Continuum: Intelligence and automation for more efficient data processing”, on October 8th 2024 (11:00-12:30) organized by HYPER-AI.

It is a joint webinar to discover the innovative work of six cutting-edge projects funded by the HORIZON Europe call “Cognitive Computing Continuum: Intelligence and Automation for More Efficient Data Processing”: HYPER-AI, INTEND, EMPYREAN, ENACT, MYRTUS, and Swarmchestrate.

This joint webinar will highlight the collaborative efforts and breakthroughs in the integration of the IoT-Edge-Cloud continuum, AI-driven resource management, and hyper-distributed computing ecosystems. Each project will share its future goals and expected contributions to advancing research in AI and the IoT-Edge-Cloud continuum, outlining their planned achievements within their respective domains.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Research & Innovation Action (RIA) programme under grant agreement No 101136024.